The Goal

The profusion of online blogs frustrates me. While I laud the democratization of writing and publishing, I'm not convinced that we need another means to extensively discuss our own selves and our own lives, particularly online. So I find myself in a situation similar to someone who says "OMG" ironically until one day realizes that, for all extensive purposes, they have become what they once intended to satirize. But then again, several people whom I care about have suggested that I make one, and I do like the idea of having a record of the things I'm thinking about, particularly during one of the most tumultuous and thought-worthy periods of my life (so they tell me).

So after those caveats, here is my blog. I'm unavoidably pedantic, but I'll try to avoid pretentiousness. I can't guarantee how frequently I'll update it or that what I post will always be worth reading, but there it is. Enjoy.
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